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This guide provides resources for computer information technology students and instructors.

Computer Information Technology Programs at Coastal Bend College

Computer Information Technology

  • Computer Information Technology (CIT) is one of the six identified industry Clusters in Texas and with an ongoing need for competent qualified professionals and technicians. At Coastal Bend College, the CIT area is differentiated into two-degree plan paths: Computer Information Technology and Computer Information Technology - Web Design/Game Design. The program is designed to train students for entry level positions in networking, hardware repair, security, and server management, web/game design, and help desk.  

    How much will it cost? 

    In addition to tuition and fees, students will pay a lab fee for courses requiring labs. This fee is based on materials, consumables, and supplies required for the particular lab. Lab fees may vary due to an individual’s ability and materials required by the course labs. Lab fees for particular courses are listed in core syllabi and based on the average student completing the course. Contact program faculty for more information on lab fees. 

Helpful Resources for Computer Information Technology Students


Work on Your Computer Skills                              

interview, business, communication, conversation, collaboration, businessperson, management, white collar worker, service, job, business school

Work on Your Interview Skills, Search for a Career, and More

writing, pencil, number, font, text, handwriting, document, testing, test, exam, bubble form, test form, exam form, bubble sheet, multipe choice

Prepare for College Entrance Exams and Search for Scholarships

writing, work, brand, document, career, job search, resume, job hunting, seeking employment

           Build a Resume                                               

Build Skills for College Success

Practice some Adult Core Skills